Due to Covid most films’ releases have been postponed. But demand for OTT platforms like #Netflix, #Hotstar surged!
So a few producers have opted to release their films directly on OTT platforms e.g. #GulaboSitabo, Shakuntala Devi which left theater owners like #PVR, hashtag#Inox disappointed.
But is the fear justified⁉️
📈Indian films industry is roughly $2.6Bn. in size while the OTT platforms stand at $0.5Bn. So the OTTs have a long way to go.
📱Online release is a temporary change rather than a paradigm shift. Because shutdown of halls due to lockdown has left viewers with platforms only. As soon as halls start to open, people are likely to return.
🎉The platforms don’t offer many experiences that moviegoers look for. The cinematic experience, the 3D effects, the craze of fandom, the joy of watching movies with friends and family. It’s much more than just watching the movie.
📺Monthly subscription cost of any platform is close to the cost of a movie ticket & sharing is common in India, hence per head cost goes down even further. So to make same amount of money only from the platforms, the costs need to go up.
Current situation may draw the viewers towards platforms but lack of enough incentives for them to jump ship.