What is Brand Rivalry?
It can be defined as the competition between brands offering a similar line of products to the same target audience at similar prices with the goal of increasing market share and overall revenue.

Types of Rivalry

To win potential customers
• The idea is to win new potential customers who haven't bought your or your competitors' products yet.

To win rival’s customers
The idea is to win the rival's customers whilst preserving the brand’s original customers

To win sales from shared customers
The idea is to win a large share of sales from customers that have subscribed to multiple providers
Famous brand rivalries

VISA vs Master Card
Ever since plastic money made its way into people's lives, these two financial service providers have been giving competition to each other head-on.

Marvel vs DC
These two companies took their rivalry to another level by publishing a comic series named ‘Marvel vs DC’ to show open rivalry between the superheroes. Famous brand rivalries

McDonald’s vs BurgerKing
Serving the same customers at similar prices, Burger King and Mcdonald's have taken a dig at each other time and again, especially over their hamburgers.

Coke vs Pepsi
With their innovative marketing campaigns, these two famous soft drink giants are able to attract customers even after the customers’ focus shifted towards healthier drinks
Benefits of Brand Rivalry

Builds Loyalty
Rivalrieshelpbrandsgetcustomerstakeitsside and discourages them from using competitors products

Gains sympathy
Rivalries help smaller brands or start-ups get sympathy votes from their customers

Attracts attention
If a rivalry becomes controversial, it brings in free publicity and word of mouth promotion
Drawbacks of Brand Rivalry

Competitor benefits
Rivalries can also provide visibility to a brand’s competitor which can give them attention.

Competitor improvement
Rivalries increase your competitors’ brand awareness even if you’re pointing at its flaws.

Awakening sleeping brands
When brands bite more than they chew, they can even lead to the awakening of the sleeping brand